
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sorting Colours: Using Different Materials

Right now we are focusing on colour sorting using materials that are different shades of the same colour.  Bean does really well with colour sorting, but only when it's all the same material (pom poms, foam cubes, buttons, etc.). So now that she is used to recognizing all the colours as pom poms or cubes, I'm mixing them up to see if she can still match them.
We used a clear plastic egg tray and I gave her a bowl with a mix of pom poms and buttons in six different colours. Munchkin sat next to her and explored the different pom poms. He especially liked the small pom poms because they had tinsel string in them, so they were shiny. Bean was able to identify all of the colours (blue, pink, orange, purple, yellow, and red) and showed Munchkin where each colour went. He kept rearranging the materials, so Bean had to keep on her toes to match them :)

Bean did very well matching them up and next time we will use different materials that she is not used to.

To make it a little easier for Munchkin, we used clear bowls with construction paper glued to the bottom of them in each of the colours we were using. 

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